

When we heard the dark words “Take me baby” from Mr. Tenor for the first time, we suspected nothing good. But of course we were magically drawn to it.

Almost 20 years of partying later. The innocence is lost. But not completely. We are all still longing for grandeur. Madness, ecstasy, melancholy, joy and love drive us out into the big city night after night. Clubs open and close and open again. We party on. Let the gods rise again.

And when we crawl back into bed at some point, our heads are buzzing with new impressions, ideas and stories. RRestrealitaet wants to be a forum for them: a digital corner bar where we meet friends, acquaintances and strangers. A morbid, electronic shooting party of Berlin nightlife. A field research project of alternative leisure activities. But sometimes simply the appendix of an unhealthy lifestyle. RRestrealitaet adds the written word to partying: here we can communicate with each other, exchange information, post parties, express opinions, plan projects and organize excursions into the real world.

But strangers* be warned - the rest of reality is full of exotic creatures: Party ghosts, exiled kings*, phonies, ponies, grand dames, forest rats, ex-dictators, fallen angels, backfische, charlatans, heaven hitters, ghouls, jack-of-all-trades, lovebirds and many more.



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