


Tag 2









































Relationship Anarchy (Workshop) (en)

alex (they/them)

Dating is nice, but have you tried expanding your network of care? This is an exploration of expanding care, affection and support beyond the boundaries of the couple. We're going to look at our connections through the lens of anarchy. We might dip our toes in philosophy along the way.

SHOC Meeting Day 2

Scheduling Meeting for Heralds und Stagecoordinator angels

c3Auti 2

Team Meeting c3auti Einführungsveranstaltung, je nach Bedarf

Legale, halblegale und andere Tricks, um ohne Geld durch die Welt zu reisen – Teil 1 (de)


Das was im Titel steht ;), Trampen, Containern, den bayerischen Staat um ein paar Tausend Euro erleichtern, indem man eine atheistische Kirche gründet und staatliche Kirchenfinanzierung ausnutzt und warum UnitedHealthCareBosse töten, wenn man doch in Deutschland auch im Untergrund ganz einfach kostenlos behandelt werden kann? - manches ist ernst gemeint, manches ist lustig, das meiste wurde schon getestet, aber alles ist möglich

VOC: Schichtzuweisung Videomixer Tag 2

Scheduling Meeting for Videomixer angels

Legale, halblegale und andere Tricks, um ohne Geld durch die Welt zu reisen – Teil 2 (de)


**Der erste erste Teil dieser Sessions ist nicht nötig für diesen zweiten Teil, ihr könnt einfach einsteigen.** Das was im Titel steht ;), Trampen, Containern, den bayerischen Staat um ein paar Tausend Euro erleichtern, indem man eine atheistische Kirche gründet und staatliche Kirchenfinanzierung ausnutzt und warum UnitedHealthCareBosse töten, wenn man doch in Deutschland auch im Untergrund ganz einfach kostenlos behandelt werden kann? - manches ist ernst gemeint, manches ist lustig, das meiste wurde schon getestet, aber alles ist möglich

Bewegung und Freiheit (de)


Wie würdest du dich bewegen in einem wertungsfreien Raum, wenn du nicht gelernt hättest welche Bewegungen "richtig" sind? Im Workshop nähern wir uns ein Stück weit unserem natürlichen Bewegungsdrang an und weichen normative Begrenzungen auf.

Superpep the web! Let's build web experiences that don't make people puke. (en)

headlina, njan

Interactive accessibility workshop about motion sickness. We show you the problem and current solutions, let's see if we find even better ones.

Spielerisch das Bewusstsein für und den Austausch über Diversität fördern (de)

Gunda Mohr

Hier geht es um eine niedrig schwellige Möglichkeit, sich gemeinsam mit dem Thema Diversity zu befassen: Diversity Spiels (digital). Nach einer kurzen Einführung probieren wir das Spiel praktisch aus. Danach sprechen wir über Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Anpassungsoptionen und unsere gesammelten Erfahrungen.

Haecksen goes Conference (de)


Wir suchen nach Ideen, um relevante Tracks für die Chaos Feminist Convention zu finden.

Weil es uns alle angeht. Die Verantwortung von Communitys im Umgang mit Belästigung und sexualisierter Gewalt (de)


Grenzüberschreitungen, Belästigung und auch sexualisierte Gewalt sind Themen, über die Communitys zu wenig sprechen. Dabei wäre es so notwendig.

Mailen, ohne dass mich meine Mailbox erschlägt - wie kann ich ein (inzwischen missverstandenes) Medium geschickt nutzen? (de)


Wie kann ich Sortierung und Threading geschickt einsetzen, um den Überblick über meine Mails zu behalten?

Trans Austauschrunde (de)


Nicht cis Personen only. Austauschrunde über Freud und Leid der Transition und allem drumherum

FLINTA-Singstar (de)


DE: Offene Singstar-Runde für alle FLINTA-personen. EN: Open Singstar-Session for all FLINTA-people. Every taste of music is welcome!

Breitband Deutschlandfunk Kultur


Live-Sendung DEUTSCHLANDFUNK KULTUR BREITBAND mit Jochen Dreier, Jenny Genzmer und Vera Linss

Computer und Kommunikation Deutschlandfunk


Live-Sendung DEUTSCHLANDFUNK COMPUTER UND KOMMUNIKATION mit Manfred Kloiber, Peter Welchering und Marie Zinkann

Passwort - der heise security Podcast auf dem 38C3 (de)

Christopher Kunz

Der heise security Podcast traut sich raus aus dem gemütlichen Redaktionsstudio und sendet vom 38C3. Zur diesjährigen Congress-Ausgabe hat sich Host Christopher ein paar spannende Themen herausgesucht. Seinen ersten C3 seit zweiundzwanzig Jahren wird er sicher auch mit seinen verklärtern Erinnerungen vergleichen: Wo sind die Wäscheklammern?

ComeFlyWithUs Podcast (de)

Steffen Braasch, Olli

Wir, Steffen & Olli, besprechen in unserem Podcast alles was die Große und Kleine Fliegerei angeht. Wir sind ein aktiver und ein Verkehrspilot im Ruhestand. Hauptthemen: update zu GPS-Spoofing, Flugstrecken in Zeiten von Krisen und Auswirkungen auf die Sicherheit. Ausserdem geht es um aktuelle Vorfälle in der großen und kleinen Luftfahrt. Trotz des vermeintlich ernsten Themas sind wir immer mit Humor dabei! Podcast Webseite:

WissPod Jahresrückblick 2024 oder: Reichweite, my ass! (de)

rupi42ai, melbartos

Mit unseren Gästen sprechen wir über Podcasts in der Wissen{schaft}skommunikation, über Ziele und Kriterien – und darüber wieso Reichweite alleine nicht glücklich macht!

Das weiß doch niemand - Das Ultimative Super Quiz 3000! (de)


Lustige Spaßfragen kann ja jeder stellen - jetzt wird's ernst, mit Fragen deren Antworten niemand weiß... oder doch? Finden wir es heraus!

Sample Crunch for Musik Producer (en)


Sample Crunch: A hands-on workshop for music producers of all levels, where you’ll transform provided samples into creative tracks in 30 minutes. Bring your DAW and Headphones!

Kinderdisco mit dj KEKSE (de)

DIE Gelegenheit für Kinder die Lounge zu sehen und dort zu feiern zusammen mit dj KEKSE! (normalerweise ist der Zutritt zum Chaos Computer Musik Club nur für Personen ab 16 Jahren möglich, egal ob mit oder ohne Begleitung) dj KEKSE macht gute Musik für kleine und große Leute. Mit einer guten Priese an funky Beats, einer dicken Portion Bass und einem leckeren Löffel Soul. Alles kommt heiß und fein abgeschmeckt direkt aus dem Backofen auf den Teller. Ein DJ Set gleich einer Küche voller Kostbarkeiten.

ill struct - live Band (de)

ein überforderter Computer? ein Schreibfehler? oder ein disfunktionales System? da können uns nur die Engel retten! Seit fast 20 Jahren führen sie Echtzeitgespräche ohne sich dabei aufzuführen. 2-9 Berliner Ladies, die sich live durch Stile und Geschichten spielen und dabei schon an die 200 Bands formierten. Genre: Konzept-Pep. Jedes Konzert und damit jede Band sind textlich unauflösbar mit allen Beteiligten, Spielort und Setup verknüpft, Wiederholungen waren nur in Ausnahmen erlaubt.

AlphaMob (de)

AlphaMob ist der Schizophrenic Mane: DJ und Produzent, New- und OldSchooler, HipHopper und Raver, Realkeeper und Hedonist. Vor allem aber ist er eins: Lover.

Esels Alptraum - Antikapitalistisches Jodel-Duo (de)

Jodeln klingt für Viele nach Heimatkitsch & Konservatismus - nicht mit uns! Als 1. Anarchistischer Traditions- und Folkloreverein jodeln wir gegen die Beschissenheit des Systems und für das gute, schöne, lustvolle Leben. Die Abrissbirne der Volksmusik sorgt für einstürzende Mauern und aufbauende Stimmung! Love Yodel - Hate Fascism!

Júlio (de)

Brazilian-born and Hamburg-based artist Júlio creates his sets around contemporary electronic music from Brazil's subculture scenes, exploring Afro-diasporic sounds and beyond. His music ranges from Baile Funk and Bubbling Beats to Voguing House, Speed Dembow, Afrobeats, and Jersey Club. Expect a powerful, playful, hypnotic, sexy, and percussive club sound designed specifically for the CCC dancefloor. Played at Garbiz, Waking Life, Hanseatische Materialverwaltung, Kampnagel, Pudel, Barboncino, Frappant, Nachtasyl and Knust


Where Gameboy meets Lagerfeuer We are two guys creating bitpop using a Gameboy on LSDJ, a guitar and some vocals. Our songs tell you about sad robots, the loneliness in computer dungeons and other heartbreaking scenarios like the downfall of mankind.

ADA (de)

Her legendary live shows took her once around the world and back before her first album "Blondie" was featured in the top 10 of New York Times' best pop albums of 2004. Her second album “Meine zarten Pfoten” was released on DJ Koze’s label Pampa Records. Hamburg concert hall tycoon and star author Tino Hanekamp writes: “In the broadest sense of the word, it’s pop. But ultimately it’s music that exudes so much warmth and tranquillity that it puts even the greatest bundle of nerves into a state of ultra-fine-tuned receptiveness.”

jɛloʊ (de)

Yellow is the color between green and orange on the spectrum of light. It is evoked by light with a dominant wavelength of roughly 575–585 nm.

Dj Set Kate Miao (en)


DJ Profile: Kate Miao Hi, I’m Kate Miao, an established DJ with roots in both Copenhagen and Oslo. By day, I’m an IT professional working at Microsoft; by night, I’m immersed in the world of techno, delivering high-energy sets that blend experimental, glitchy, and trancy vibes with custom-recorded vocals and sounds. My mission? To elevate electronic music beyond simple dance beats and showcase its rich, artistic essence. I perform every weekend at top venues like DAS, Hangaren, Culture Box, and Module in Copenhagen, as well as Ingesteds, St26, and Hausmania in Oslo. I also tour internationally, playing gigs across Europe and Iceland. In addition to DJing, I’m the founder of Miao Music, a music platform, label, and event series dedicated to exploring diverse styles of electronic music. We’ve hosted parties at Hausmania in Oslo and DAS in Copenhagen, pushing the boundaries of what club nights can offer. I’d love the opportunity to bring my sound to the Chaos Computer Music Club. Below are links to my work, including recent live sets and projects: DJ Sets & Mixes: • Hör Berlin Set: • Last Set for Drif Reykjavik: • MIAOMIX: • SoundCloud: Socials: • Instagram: • Website: • Miao Music Instagram: • Miao Music SoundCloud:

Buzz.Lightyear (de)

aka BASF Plays music.

AKAAK (de)

Gregoa (en)


Eine kleine Nerdmusique

Eine kleine Nerdmusique / Gregoa (de)

Musique mit Einflüssen aus Weltmusik bis Elektronik. Soundtracks zum Chillen, Loungen und für Schwoof. Es darf gewippt werden. Smooth and chilled since 15C3.

Mme Bing (de)

Mme Bing aka Andrea Wienck is one of the co-owners of the German Pingipung label, a steady source of eclectic outernational, dub and electronica sounds for over 20 years already. Beautiful melodies, with a touch of melancholy and weirdness, form a reliable thread in her sets.

Laetizia & N:in (de)

Laetizia and N:in's first encounter was pure destiny when they played a spontaneous back-to-back all night long at Golden Pudel. Since then, they have become an inseparable duo. Together, they can leave you dancing or listening in a genre-fluid way, blending experimental, bass-driven, and hypnotic elements with influences from IDM, dubstep, and broken techno. With their event series "Aura", they are aiming to compliment the Hamburg underground scene with live-music focused events with experimental approaches. ;

Museum Of No Art (de)

The music project of artist Mona Steinwidder, Museum Of No Art, is described by herself as a metaphysical space with no location, yet enormous halls with transparent ceilings – an ever-changing exhibition of the subconscious. Based on this metaphor, her first album was created in 2020 and released on the Canadian label Séance Centre. Since then, she has played various concerts in different locations and sometimes in special settings. For example, at the Minimal Music Festival in Amsterdam in 2023, where she was invited to play a wake-up concert for a sleeping audience. She has also published project- related works that are always on the threshold of fine art, such as site specific music pieces for the contemporary art space Het Hem (also in Amsterdam) and the soundtrack to the poems of the visual artist Mitko Mitkov. On her second album, A Serpent Called Emit, which was recently released on the avantgarde label Cosima Pitz she focuses on clarinet and other woodwinds. Over the course of two years she has repeatedly approached the instruments in a new way, trying to overcome the clichés that come with each thing and to create something unusual and yet familiar. Museum Of No Art sounds free and unfettered on it. And that's where we find ourselves while listening to her music, in the shadow of a levitating stone.

Block Barley (de)

Block Barley (Sascha Sebastian Hohn) is a Hamburg-based producer, DJ, and avid record collector. With a career spanning two decades, his discography includes the acclaimed Dead At The Control (Hong Kong Recordings), the Guilty Simpson collaboration Michigan Nights (WE AINT MUSIC), and his latest release, the dark and gritty Ether Ghost (The Content Label). Renowned for his genre-spanning sets, he brings a profound appreciation for sound and rhythm to the turntables. When not DJing, he creates experimental compositions and soundtracks for film and art projects, showcasing his versatility and innovative vision.

The Slow Brown Fox (de)

The Slow Brown Fox is a selector and curator based in Berlin. She crafts immersive sonic journeys through dark, mystical soundscapes, each one a trippy exploration of untold stories.

DJ Wife (de)

Multi-dimensional sounds of many worlds

Nika & Nina (de)

Nika Son works as a musician, artist, film composer, DJ and curator. Her DJ-sets throb between flicker, weaving waywardly from early concrète to synth wave, oscillating from polyrhythms through industrial fields and breaking downtempo into slope techno.
 Nina There is a sureness that underlies Nina’s sets. A ricocheting swarm of musique concrète’s contemporary tearaway forms sit at the deep end, and an assembly of exploratory sound practices beckon us out from the shallows. Liable to combust into a wave of percussive shards and staccato shrapnel to rival techno’s own claims. Working as a DJ at the border between coruscating sentiment and desolate surrender, Nina summons enough of an intuition about a space and its dynamics to prompt a club’s darkness to cave to her selection, to have the darkness address you personally. Ambient music can have a critical, razor edge and Nina embraces that.

Freifunk und Gluon Meetup (de)

skorpy (none)

Auch dieses Jahr wollen sich die auf dem Congress anwesenden Entwicklerinnen und Anwenderinnen zu aktuellen Freifunk und Gluon Themen austauschen

anders streiten lernen 2 - Perspektivwechseln mit der Mahloquet, einer etwas anderen Dialog-Methode (de)


Am Anschluss an die gestrige Session zu "anders streiten lernen" (Link: möchte ich heute eine weit

OpenStreetMap Meetup (de)


Ob langjähriges Community-Mitglied, Mapper-Neuling oder einfach nur neugierig – komm vorbei, teile deine Erfahrungen und lass dich von der Begeisterung für OpenStreetMap anstecken!

CFP: Emanzipiertes #Social #Web für Unprivilegierte (de)

Marcus Rohrmoser

Praktisch alle Social Web Server (Installationen) verlangen zusätzliche Regeln, seien es AGBs, Verhaltenskodizes oder Moderation und geben keine Garantien, für z.B. Verfügbarkeit. …

Bildungsmaterialien zum Digitalen Kapitalismus (de)

Anja Höfner

Im Workshop stelle ich unsere Bildungsmaterialien zu Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit vor, die dann im Anschluss direkt ausprobiert werden können. Ein digitales Endgerät ist nicht erforderlich.

Künstliche Intelligenz und Menschenrechte (de)


KI bietet Chancen und Risiken, wenn es um Deine Menschenrechte gibt. Diskutiere mit uns, worin die bestehen und welche Regeln und Regulierungen nötig sind.

Punkrock Pilzanbau (de)


"Punkrock Pilzanbau"

Einführung in pädagogische Basics für Engel und Mentor*innen (Tag 2) (de)


Einführung in pädagogische Basics für Engel und Mentor*innen

MACHEN statt Meckern: Mit Open Source & politischem Engagement die Energiewende gewinnen (de)

Andreas Schmitz, Salacidre

Gemeinsam mit Petition und Open Source die Herausforderungen der Energiewende angehen und Lösungen schaffen.

Kino: Ada & Zangemann - Ein Märchen über Software, Skateboards und Himbeereis (de)


Vorführung auf Deutsch vom Ada & Zangemann - Ein Märchen über Software, Skateboards und Himbeereis Animationsfilm

Datenschutz für Lehrkräfte (und Schulleitungen) (de)

MoniKa_c4E (DE: sie/ihr EN: she/her), Mel

Im Workshop “Datenschutz für Lehrkräfte” wird ein Moodle Selbstlernkurs zum Thema Datenschutz vor- und zur Diskussion gestellt. Das Feedback soll anschließend in dem Kurs eingearbeitet werden.

CTF - was 'n das? (de)


CTF (CaptureTheFlag) is ein wunderbares Konzept um in die Welt der IT-Security einzusteigen. Hier gibt's eine schnelle Einführung und dann Hand's on "Betreutes hacken".

DearMEP: FOSS Campaigning Tool for EU Parliament (en)


[DearMEP]( is a tool to empower citizens to reach out – easy, directly and free of charge – to their elected representatives in the European Parliament.

Pentagame (de)


Wir spielen Pentagame!

Off-the-Grid P2P Communication Meetup (en)

Mathias, Moritz Warning

Meetup for off-the-grid P2P communication projects and technologies (e.g. services, protocols, experiences, ...) to network, exchange experiences, present technologies & discuss pressing topics.

Austausch: IT(-Sicherheit) für Aktivisti (de)


Vorstellungs- und Vernetzungsrunde für Menschen, die sich um IT(-Sicherheit) für Aktivisti kümmern.

Assemblies introduction


Each assembly in the habitat will do a short 5 min intro to let people know what they are up to.

A lost art: forgotten primitives for a decentralized web (en)


There were many projects around the new millennium seeking to create decentralized/anonymous networks. Most failed, but they had some good ideas that died along with them. This talk will cover some "lost gems" from that era.

Becoming-imperceptible in the age of data capture (en)


Not Your Keys, Not Your Name (en)


This talk will explain the benefits of decentralized protocols which use public keys *directly* as identities, and encourage this approach for newly-designed protocols.

Radicle: P2P, Censorship-Resistant Code Collaboration Based on Git (en)


Radicle is an open source, peer-to-peer code collaboration stack built on Git. Unlike centralized code hosting platforms, such as GitHub or GitLab, there is no single entity controlling the network. Repositories are replicated across peers in a decentralized manner, and users retain sovereignty over their data and workflow. Free your code!

Self-Authenticating TLS Certificates for Tor Onion Services (en)


TLS (the security layer behind HTTPS) and Tor onion services (anonymously hosted TCP services) are both excellent protocols. Wouldn't it be nice if we could use them together? In this talk, I'll cover a working implementation of combining TLS with onion services, without compromising on the security properties that each provides.

Scaling Namecoin (en)


The DNS has an inherent scalability advantage over Namecoin. But that doesn't mean we're not going to optimize Namecoin as best we can. In this talk, I'll cover several tactics we're using to reduce the on-chain data stored by Namecoin -- while minimizing the UX impact.

Protecting Namecoin Users from Their Mistakes: Namecoin Wallet UX (en)


If user mistakes cause their website to go down, that's already bad -- but not nearly as bad as if user mistakes make them permanently lose control of their website or get doxed and arrested. This talk is about how we're helping Namecoin wallet users avoid mistakes before they cause irreversible consequences.

Why Scaling Matters - Scaling Monero (en)


Scaling Monero to Support Full Chain Membership Proofs++, Add Additional Security Against Spam Attacks, and Provide an Additional Sanity Median of 1000000 Blocks

CROSS - Codes and Restricted Objects Signature Scheme (en)


CROSS is a lightning-fast post-quantum digital signature scheme currently in round 2 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology's call for signature schemes. Here, we offer an overview of how CROSS works, the benefits and drawbacks inherent, and how the post-quantum paradigm will shape the future of protected signature protocols.

Network States in Action: Challenges in Launching a Monero Hackerspace (en)


The concept of network states offers an innovative framework for reimagining social organization in the digital age. This talk explores the journey of creating a hackerspace that embodies the Monero community’s core ethos of privacy, decentralization, and technological innovation through research and development. By examining the practical realities of decentralized organizing, the discussion highlights key friction points, including the difficulties of achieving consensus in a non-hierarchical community and the challenges of turning a conceptual vision into a financially viable, operational hackerspace.

Commons Hub: An experimental playground for post-capitalist systems design (en)


Commons Hub represents a new generation of place-based Web3 spaces that transcend traditional IT-focused innovation to address broader challenges in systems design. Inspired by the ethos of hacker spaces—collaboration, experimentation, and open access—Commons Hub extends these principles to tackle pressing issues in natural and socio-economic systems design. Positioned within the context of the metacrisis—a convergence of social, ecological, and economic crises—Commons Hub also functions as a leftist prepper project, equipping communities with tools and knowledge for resilience against looming systemic collapse. This talk examines where and how these hybrid spaces emerge, exploring their ambivalent relationship to crypto as they draw on it for funding, inspiration, and technical innovation while remaining critical of unfettered financialization. By navigating these tensions, Commons Hub and like-minded spaces offer new pathways for collective survival and post-capitalist experimentation.

DON'T FEAR THE BLOCKCHAIN: The Countercultures of Crypto (en)


Despite its potential, crypto has been met with skepticism and fear from progressive hacker-culture and activists. However, its roots in cypherpunk, cooperative governance, and Solarpunk ideals offer a promising foundation for alternative socio-economic systems. This talk will explore how crypto has been corrupted by corporate and governmental capture, and how to reclaim its potential for social and environmental good by breaking free from taboos and sparking new, imaginative thinking.

On the Limits of Decentralization (en)


A collaborative dialogue to examine and challenge the philosophical foundations of decentralization. What does decentralization truly mean? How does it intersect with centralization? Are they mutually exclusive or do they represent a false dichotomy? What other conceptual binaries may have shaped these ideas—object and subject, order and chaos, truth and lies? Are we inevitably bound by binary logic and symbolic reasoning or can we transcend these frameworks to adopt a more phenomenological perspective? What do we actually experience when engaging with institutions, systems or protocols? And how do the unnoticed elements receding into the background still exert their silent influence on every participant willing or otherwise? A non-exhaustive list of references: The Tyranny of Structurelessness, The Tyranny of Tyranny, Extitutional Theory, Non-binary Logic, Performativity, Hyperstition, Do-ocracy. Through a performative and self-reflective lens, this dialogue will probe the boundaries and inherent tensions of decentralization.

Setting Up BTCPay Server with Monero Support Using Docker (en)


In this hands-on, one-hour workshop, participants will learn how to set up BTCPay Server with Monero integration on a VPS using Docker for deployment. The session will cover everything from initial server setup and hardening, Monero wallet creation, to configuring BTCPay Server. Participants are encouraged to bring a Ubuntu-based laptop to follow along with a demo VM installation, enabling them to replicate the setup process. By the end of the session, attendees will gain the skills to deploy a BTCPay Server instance for an e-commerce website. No prior experience with BTCPay Server is required, but familiarity with Linux basics is recommended.

Podcasting für Einsteiger*innen (de)


Podcasting für Junghacker*innen (de)


Podcasting ist mittlerweile sehr bekannt, also warum nicht selbst mal podcasten? Das Sendezentrum bietet euch die Möglichkeit in einem Workshop einen Podcast aufzunehmen, und bis zur Veröffentlichungsreife zu bearbeiten. Dabei stehen euch erfahrene Podcaster zu Seite. Es gibt zwei Termine, die beide den selben Workshop beinhalten.

Seriensprech - Star Trek: Lower Decks (de)

MacSnider, Marcel Stuht

Auf ganze 5 Staffeln hat es die erste, Entschuldigung, zweite Animations Serie im Star Trek Universum geschafft und wir wollen auf diese Serie zurück blicken, ihr damit huldigen und über etwaige SpinOffs nachdenken!

Wie steht es um die IT-Sicherheit in Deutschland und Europa (de)

Lukas Schieren, pintman, Marco Bakera

Dieses Mal wird der Podcast „/var/log/podcast“ sich mit dem Thema IT-Sicherheit auseinandersetzen. IT-Sicherheit? Was genau ist das und wie sieht es in Deutschland und Europa aus? Was gibt es in Bezug auf die IT-Sicherheit kritischer Infrastruktur (KRITIS)? Danach betrachten wir das Jahr 2025 und die Problemstellungen, Neuerungen und sonstigem im Bereich der IT-Sicherheit.

Binärgewitter Talk Live (de)

Ingo Ebel

Freut euch auf die neueste Folge von Binärgewitter Talk Live vom Congress 2024. Wir nehmen euch mit in die spannende Welt der Technologie, diskutieren die heißesten IT-Themen und liefern euch spannende Einblicke aus der Szene. Das alles wie immer aus dem Blickwinkel von Open Source, Linux bzw. BSD Nerds.

LinuxLounge - #38C3 Special (de)

Draget, Lazalatin (er/ihm | he/him)

LinuxLounge von Live vom Congress mit Einblicken und spannenden Infos und der Stimmung vor Ort.

Vector Variations (Day 2 13:00) (en)


Vintage plotters and generative art, exploring the sound of signs Marcel Schwittlick will showcase some recent explorations in the world of algorithmically generated plotter drawings.

I get a Crisis! fun, Games and bad mood(Day 2 14:00) (en)


i get a crises! fun, games and bad mood. between suppression and anger, hopelessness and never-again-is-now everything is going down the drain it's almost unbearable no moping just keep going eyes closed and through i can do it by myself passing the buck to someone else you can afford your new biedermeier with your dad paying my face burns like the forest in portugal ahhhhhhh! my hope is as dead as the last rhinoceros our common well is wept empty as the east saxon groundwater cynicism is absolutely no solution! playing cards is climate-friendly and helps with collective emotional release. is ‚prepping‘ becoming a serious option after all? so let's play a round of ego vs. swarm: a performance about anger and hope in a crisis and how we don't lose each other in the process.

on the first night we looked at maps(day 2 18:00) (en)


we sit at the table with the queer argentinian-german artist couple vöcks de schwindt. we lean over maps, photos, documents and a songbook. mate tea is served. together we travel across borders and continents along the migration history of their families. we follow the trail ofthe volga germans, who left the german region of hesse in the 18th century to emigrate to russia and continued their path to south america 100 years later. in a continuously shifting narrative, the couple deconstructs nationalist myths and contradictions in family identity, searches for a queer heritage and encounters ancestors who can only be who they want to be when they are not in the place where they believe they belong.

experimental hybrid livecoding performance(day 2) (en)


an experimental live coding performance using different browser tools for sound and video interactions within physical synths.

on the first night we looked at maps(day 2 21:00) (en)


we sit at the table with the queer argentinian-german artist couple vöcks de schwindt. we lean over maps, photos, documents and a songbook. mate tea is served. together we travel across borders and continents along the migration history of their families. we follow the trail ofthe volga germans, who left the german region of hesse in the 18th century to emigrate to russia and continued their path to south america 100 years later. in a continuously shifting narrative, the couple deconstructs nationalist myths and contradictions in family identity, searches for a queer heritage and encounters ancestors who can only be who they want to be when they are not in the place where they believe they belong.

Drop‐in Meow Mixer Soldering (Day 2) (en)


In this workshop, participants will solder together a light-up, cat-themed badge that teaches a simple RGB tuning circuit. By adjusting the red, green, and blue knobs, you can change the color of the cat’s eyes. Perfect for beginners and soldering enthusiasts wanting to make a fun and cute badge.

Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners (Day 2a) (en, de)


In this workshop, we will learn to handle the tiniest electronic components, which are used to make modern electronic devices. We will cheat the same way the electronics industry does, and learn the techniques of stencil paste printing and reflow soldering. You will learn a technique that stops your hands from shaking, so you can very very precisely place microscopic parts. We will make an electronic cat that purrs if you handle it correctly. No prior experience or knowledge of anything electronic needed. Caffeine use is not recommended immediately before. All tools are provided. Takes around 2 hours. Sign up on the paper sheet at the Hardware Hacking Area. Costs 20€ if you want to make a board, free to observe.

BadUSB Hacking with the USB Nugget (en)


In this workshop, you'll learn to write BadUSB scripts to hack computers using the USB Nugget, a cute, cat-shaped hacking tool. Discover how to script actions across any operating system in seconds and automate nearly any desired task remotely. Ideal for those interested in scripting with a Wi-Fi interface and more. A computer with Google Chrome is required.

Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners (Day 2b) (en, de)


In this workshop, we will learn to handle the tiniest electronic components, which are used to make modern electronic devices. We will cheat the same way the electronics industry does, and learn the techniques of stencil paste printing and reflow soldering. You will learn a technique that stops your hands from shaking, so you can very very precisely place microscopic parts. We will make an electronic cat that purrs if you handle it correctly. No prior experience or knowledge of anything electronic needed. Caffeine use is not recommended immediately before. All tools are provided. Takes around 2 hours. Sign up on the paper sheet at the Hardware Hacking Area. Costs 20€ if you want to make a board, free to observe.

Soldering Sound Kits with Alwin (Day 2) (en, de)


Several sound-making kits to choose from -- all for beginners.

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