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Rosenpass Install Party
Rosenpass is a free and open source software to create a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection secure against quantum computers, i.e., post-quantum secure. Rosenpass builds upon WireGuard. Come to get an introduction and guidance to set it up!

This workshop aims to be a lightweight and easy-to-access install party for Rosenpass: just come and let us help you set up Rosenpass, and try out your first test connection to either another participant's setup, or to a test server provided by us. Participants should bring a computer with Linux installed. Wir können auch auf Deutsch Hilfestellung geben und Fragen beantworten.

We will start the session with a really short introduction to Rosenpass, to give the participants some context. Afterwards, we will get right to it and guide participants during installation and setup of Rosenpass in a standard use case together with WireGuard.

During the session, it will also be possible to ask us anything related to Rosenpass, post-quantum cryptography and the post-quantum transition. We will try to find the time to answer while hopping between participant's laptops to help during setup.

Rosenpass is free and open-source software based on the latest research in the field of cryptography. It is intended to be used with WireGuard VPN, but can work with all software that uses pre-shared keys. It uses two cryptographic methods (Classic McEliece and Kyber) to secure systems against attacks with quantum computers.

Rosenpass is also a science communication project that intends to make cryptography easy to understand for everyone. Check out our website, where we have introduction texts for people who do not know a lot about computers, for tech journalists, for developers, and for cryptographers.


Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz