
Tag 2
Opt Green: Coordinating a Windows 10-to-Linux upcycling campaign across Free Software communities worldwide
Windows 10 security updates end on 14 October 2025, KDE's 29th birthday and also, ironically, International E-Waste Day [1] (you cannot make these things up!). Hundreds of millions of functioning devices [2] will become e-waste. This means manufacturing and transporting new ones, which is perhaps the biggest waste of all: hardware production alone can account for over 75% of a device's CO2 emissions over its lifespan. Free Software is a solution, today, and if we work together Windows 10 could truly be the last version of Windows users ever use! In this talk I will present the issue of e-waste and the importance of right-to-repair software, and invite the audience to participate in coordinating a global, unified Free Software campaign over the next year to raise awareness about the environmental harm of software-driven hardware obsolescence, while promoting upgrading users from Windows 10 to GNU/Linux directly. Extending hardware's operating life with Free Software is good for users, and better for the environment. Let's think big and act boldly as a unified community! [0] [1] [2]

This is a talk about digital sustainability and the role software plays in hardware longevity.

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