
Tag 1
Build your own {event} Fahrplan app for Android
Self-organized Session


  • In this session you learn how to build the 38C3 Fahrplan app for Android yourself.
  • You learn how to customize colors and graphics, enable or disable certain features, translate the app or even prepare the app for your own event.


  • I will talk in English to reach most people.
  • Ich werde auf Englisch sprechen, um die Mehrzahl der Menschen zu erreichen.


  1. Some experience with Android, Kotlin, Git is helpful.
  2. Bring your own Android smartphone or tablet (minimum Android 5, Lollipop).
  3. Bring your own USB cable fitting with your Android device & computer.
  4. Bring your own computer with Android Studio (latest stable) installed.
  5. Have the project already cloned to your machine. ⚠️ Here is the source code
  6. Build the project at least once to download the Android SDK and libraries before you come. ⚠️ This will take some time!

Your ideas

  • I am looking forward to getting to know your ideas shared with everyone. Let them become reality!
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