
Tag 2
A lost art: forgotten primitives for a decentralized web
There were many projects around the new millennium seeking to create decentralized/anonymous networks. Most failed, but they had some good ideas that died along with them. This talk will cover some "lost gems" from that era.

Speaker: Yanmaani

Most development within anonymous overlay networks the past 20 years has centered around low-latency networks (like Tor or I2P); networks that allow you to use conventional web applications and protocols. (like IRC, or whatever web applications you want)\r\n\r\nHigh-latency networks don't allow you to do this. They require you to re-build everything from the ground up. That's why they never took off, but it also required clever people to spend a lot of time building interesting things.\r\n\r\nThis short talk will cover the primitives that were used to build things like decentralized web sites, search engines, identity systems, and even bulletin boards. While of little practical use today, the techniques in some ways exceed our current technology and ought to be remembered.

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