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Furō no ba = Place of the Vagabond

Welcome to our little Asian Zen Garden.

Take a rest at our cosy sea side and listen to selected ancient musique.


Ambient Chillout Floor


CCL -1


Soon available at

Uhrzeit 27.12.2019 - Fr 28.12.2019 - Sa 29.12.2019 - So 30.12.2019 - Mo
11 enelRAM & HAL (nice4what, Space is the Place) Timo(minmon) d12 & time tourist Bidi
12 enelRAM & HAL (nice4what, Space is the Place) Timo(minmon) d12 & time tourist Bidi/morelle
13 enelRAM & HAL (nice4what, Space is the Place) Timo(minmon) Petroschi Abbau
14 Translucid & caliprisun (mjut, many moods) Zuurb Petroschi Abbau
15 Translucid & caliprisun (mjut, many moods) Zuurb tasmo ENDE
16 Translucid & caliprisun (mjut, many moods) Zuurb tasmo ENDE
17 Seansteinfeger Das Kfmw Beh
18 Seansteinfeger Mr JB Beh
19 Zacharias sonnenstadt Das Kfmw Barbnerdy
20 Zacharias sonnenstadt Mr JB Barbnerdy
21 saetchmo Das Kfmw mike lait/svenni
22 saetchmo Mr JB mike lait/svenni
23 Patstyx Max Raschke mike lait/svenni
0 Patstyx Max Raschke plasma
1 señor sib zeerone #42 plasma
2 señor sib zeerone #42 plasma
3 señor sib zeerone #42 plasma

(Yaj, cooool:

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