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We are a bunch of sensor technology students from Karlsruhe, who want to share some knowledge exhibit and explain our hardware and get to know people.


Mostly hardware related stuff.

As last year we'd like to present technical gadgets, that demonstrate in an understandable manner, how a sensorsystem works.

We would bring some of the toys we have and try to explain them to whomever is interested. These would include:

   * A rc controlled segway style balancing robot
   * A balancing case
   * glowing high current mixed pickles
   * A thermo-electric generator

Also we want to set up a small electronics lab (soldering irons, oscilloscope and so on.). The idea is to have a place at the 26C3, where all of us can do hardware stuff. Our goal is to get to know people, who are interested in hardware and exchange ideas and knowledge.


We would need three tables to display our toys and to have some place to make drawings etc. to explain how they work. Four chairs would be nice to rest our legs. Of course we need electricity for 2 or three PCs.

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