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für unsere nicht englisch-sprachigen freundinnen und freunde: falls eine_r ne deutschsprachige version dieser seite haben will: schreib das hier oben hin, oder melde dich per mail (legoc3_ahte_bangrogger_de) oder sag bei uns am stand bescheid oder...)

Like the other years of C3 the Lego-Duplo-Train is coming again to the congress with all their colored little stones and figures for little and big visitors. Around the clock you can deal with approved technical things from different kind.

Some Lego-robots will be around in the corner and take sure that fun and suspense are saved and there will be the guarantee that you will learn something by that.

contact: legoc3_ahte_bangrogger_de


lego sumo deathmatch

people can join up in teams (or alone) to take part in the lego sumo deathmatch. the goal is to

  • push the other bot(s) from the table
  • and stay on the table

just like sumo. well allmost.

new teams welcome - just ask at our place and form a team. and yes, it is possible even if did not start on the first day.


some videos available on youtube:

build a lego robot for the deathmatch

  • one RCX
  • up to three motors
  • as many other lego as you like (i.e. there is)
  • maximum weight: not more than the book "building robots with the lego mindstorms" (the big one laying on one of our tables)

and program it to:

  • stay inside the arena, that is: on the table
  • push the other bot(s) of the table

the table's edges will be marked with black tape (light sensors and all).

program it any way you like


See also our LegoProgramming page for some short tips on installing and programing your bot

contestants far we got about 7 teams. most of them have no name so far, so we give 'em nicknames for now. please upload pix of the bots!

  • black box: quadratisch, praktisch, gut (square, handy, good)
  • dragon bot: a dragon with antlike antennas
  • plastic bot: this bot can lift it's front and back wheels (we nicknamed it after plastic men, a comic book super hero (DC) who can stretch, bounce, and mold himself into any shape).
  • the bug
  • hover
  • remus
  • at least one other nameless bot
  • and last but hopefully not least rotkäppchen (Little Red Riding Hood): our own bot (started at a standard bot from the mindstorms manual but we added the hood)

feel free to change the names (and everything else - nothing irrelevant please)

you can always start a new team - there's enough lego and enough time

...and the contest: 2009-12-30 3 p.m.

will take place on the last day: wednesday (2009-12-30) at 3 p.m.


there is also the duplo - lots of big bricks and with railways too.

last nite we got a carpet for the duplo :)

we're also combining mindstorms (well lego technic) with duplo...

RCX, not NXT

We don't have any NXT bricks - just lots of RCX.

Even if the NXT offers some more features than the old RCX, some of us don't consider the eNXT to be lego in a stricter sense: it has no pimples ;)

(don't know if pimple is the correct english word for the germas Noppen)

More fun with lego

old times

we here for a long time ;)

  • 25C3
  • 24C3
  • 23C3
  • and all the way since 18C3. the old wikis are not online - can somebody do something about this?

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