21C3 Fahrplan Version 1.1.7

21st Chaos Communication Congress
Referenten und Moderatoren

Gunnar Rätsch

Currently Postdoc at Fraunhofer FIRST Berlin and Max-Planck-Institute for biological Cybernetics; starting in December 2004: Leader of a Bioinformatics Group at the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory in Tübingen, Germany

Research in Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Drug Discovery, Online Learning since 1997 (long publication record)

Referee of various Machine Learning Journals (Bioinformatics, JMLR, JML, Neural Computation, IEEE-PAMI, IEEE-TNN etc.) and conferences (NIPS, COLT, ICML, DAGM)

Editor of book "Advanced Lectures in Machine Learning", [1] (http://www.springerlink.com/link.asp?id=lrh41y849xdh)

Workshop-Organizer at NIPS'02 ("Unreal Data") & NIPS'04 (ML in Bioinformatics), the Machine Learning Summer School 2003 at the Australian National University

Lecturing experience on major international meetings


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