Time |
Aula |
Saal 2 |
Saal 3 |
Saal 5 |
Arena |
10 |
Meeting Of European Net Activists: Towards a European Privacy and Cyberrights Union [03:00h]
F-CPU Development Status Report [01:00h]
11 |
Advanced TCP-Hijacking [01:00h]
Übersicht aktuell verwendbarer e-Payment-Systeme [01:00h]
12 |
Zukunft der Kabelfernsehnetze, MHP Standard und Hintergründe [01:00h]
Cryptographical Solutions for Wireless Devices [01:30h]
13 |
Culture, Politix and Information Technology - Report from Plug'n'Politx in Zurich + Outlook [01:00h]
"Have you ever felt oppressed by technology? YOU WILL" -- Campaigning für Offene Kulturen und Freies Wissen [03:00h]
Zensur im Internet Workshop [02:00h]
14 |
ETSI und Lawful Interception [02:00h]
TCP-Hijacking-Workshop [01:00h]
15 |
Kampagne für Realzeit [00:30h]
16 |
Watson Vorführung [01:00h]
Runtime binary encryption on the UNIX platform [01:00h]
Argus Pitbull Hack [01:00h]
Indymedia Konzeptvorstellung und Diskussion [01:00h]
17 |
Upcoming Security Nightmares II [01:00h]
Implementing Buffer Overflow Attacks [01:00h]
Zum Wahrheitsbegriff in der abendländischen Philosophie und den Wurzeln der Eristik. [01:00h]
18 |
Hacker Jeopardy [01:00h]
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Abschlussveranstaltung [01:00h]
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