lernOS Podcasting Leitfaden

Village: Sendezentrum

Like every C3 event, there are many organized, talks, sessions, workshops, ... to attend. Browse the list and find interesting stuff.

lernOS is a method of self-organization for people living and working in the 21st century. To be successful today, you need to constantly learn, organize and develop. No one else is responsible for this process. You have to take care of it yourself (self-directed, lifelong learning).

The Working Out Loud trend means making one's work visible and telling people about one's work to enable networking and getting help from the network. Internal and external social networks are often used as platforms. Especially when it comes to transporting knowledge on complex topics or emotions, short texts are often not enough. Audio and video formats such as screencasts, explainer videos and podcasts are more suitable here.

Podcasts have the advantage that they are much easier to produce than videos. Also, podcasts can be consumed in places where video is difficult to use (commuting, in the car, on a plane, walking, etc.). With this lernOS guide, you'll learn to make and publish podcasts yourself in a Learning Sprint. You can go through the podcasting learning path alone or in a Learning Circle with 4-5 other people.
