Shio-koji usage

Event start: 10 months, 1 week ago // Event Information

Shio-koji usage
Village Event
Aug. 17, 2023, 4:30 p.m. - Aug. 17, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
No Speakers publicated yet
FHB workshop 2
Food Hacking Base

Shio-koji is a recent invention from Japan. It is a combination of the following elements:

Koji is another name for Aspergillus oryzae mold. It is used in manufacture of sake, soy sauce, mirin, and miso paste.
Shio is the Japanese word for salt.

These elements are combined with water and let to sour at room temperature for a few days to create a slightly sour mixture.

Uses of shio-koji are:

Prevents spoilage of raw meats, keeping them safer for cooking later.
Boosts flavor of meats, though enzymes from the mold decomposing the meat in a similar way to controlled aging.
Marinating vegetables, as alternative to purely lactic fermentation.

In the workshop we will discuss how to make shio-koji: detailed instructions, and the proportions of ingredients. We will also try different items that have been marinating in shio-koji.
