Chips & Crisps

Event start: 10 months, 1 week ago // Event Information

Chips & Crisps
Village Event
Aug. 18, 2023, 4:30 p.m. - Aug. 18, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
No Speakers publicated yet
FHB workshop 2
Food Hacking Base

The core idea is to get home made and commercial chips&crisps of high quality and as many varieties and flavours into one spot at same time as possible and then just enjoy. Below are suggestions how could we do it. Also we have a deep fryer and mandoline slicer, so we could make our own before the tasting.

The core idea is to get home made and commercial chips&crisps of high quality and as many varieties and flavours into one spot at same time as possible and then just enjoy. Also we have a deep fryer and mandoline slicer, so we could make our own before the tasting.

To secure spot on the Session. (Day 4, 16h30) please sign in here.

For a list of the current chips&crisps see our wiki Please bring your own for tasting.
