tEÜrCamp (ToorCamp at CCCamp 2023)
Part of Milliways

Once again we’ll be organizing a village at the Chaos Communication Camp in 2023. We’re bringing all of the awesomeness of ToorCamp to CCC Camp to show them how us Americans do it! This includes the awesome cafe dome, our programmable ToorCamp sign, projection mapping, and other fun projects our villagers have in store for this year.
Instead of us supplying food, tents, etc this year, we’ll be relying more heavily on the Milliways camp that generously hosts us to provide food for us all and if you need help with travel or tent arrangements, please post about it on the forum so we can help each other make it out to camp! We can’t wait to see you all there!
village projects
no projects available
village rooms
no rooms available.
village events
No entries available.
village badges
No badges publicly available.