
The Chaos Communication Camp is an international, four-day open-air event for hackers and associated life-forms. The Camp features three conference tracks with interesting lectures, workshops and other stuff.
Chaos Communication Camp 2003
The International Hacker Open Air Gathering
7/8/9/10th August 2003
near Berlin, Germany (Old Europe)
You can participate! Bring your tent and join our villages. The Camp has everything you need: power, internet, food and fun. The 60.000 square meter areal features enough space to camp and a nice lake to swim and do nautic experiments.
Get in touch
Official announcements by the Camp crew giving details on the Camp. To subscribe, send mail to announce-subscribe@camp.ccc.de. This list is read-only.
General discussion about the Camp. To subscribe, send mail to discuss-subscribe@camp.ccc.de. Every subscriber may post.