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Lightning Talks Schedule




Please register your talk by sending us an email to See the page on Lightning Talks for details how to format your submission to help us.

Mind you, you cannot register a talk by adding it to the pentabarf system or changing this page.

However, if you have given a talk then you may add link to your own pages and files, of course.

2009-12-27 Day1

 1: EN | von Zadow  | Multitouch Hackfest
 2: DE | Craig      | Zensursulas Blackbox
 3: EN | Altman     | Hack Cool Things With Microcontrollers!
 4: DE | Moskopp    | plomlombot
 5: DE | Bäß        | DNSSEC
 6: EN | Klink      | Voicebarf
 7: EN | xonox      | Cache Games
 8: EN | K.Dietrich | Let's talk about Code - wiki2beamer
 9: EN | Coinchon   | Radio broadcasting (File:MC lightning talk.pdf)
10: EN | Astro      | Sybil Attack & DDoS with the BitTorrent DHT (File:26c3lt-bittorrent-dht.pdf)
11: EN | Maushammer | Digital Camera Vulnerabilities
12: EN | Maushammer | Homemade Pong Watch + Asteroids Watch
13: EN | Rapp       | WiHack 2010
14: EN | Kerba      | Open Innovation Projects
15: EN | Kerba      | Openness and satisfaction in software and hardware
16: EN | Emrys      | Free space file system  (slides)
17: EN | Jerkeby    | WTF is up with sweden!?
18: EN | Gross      | Free Fermentology Foundation
19: DE | Ruetten    | Sleephacking
20: EN | d123456      | Kill Patent Talk (NEW!)
21: EN | Risi       | Friend2Friend

2009-12-28 Day2

22:  EN | D.Dietrich           | Hacking the Government
23:  EN | Costin+Luptak+Szetei | MFCUK = MiFare Classic Universal toolKit
24:  EN | Garbe                | - static linux
26:  EN | Mont                 |
28:  EN | Adler                | dyncall
29:  EN | Bressler             | DIY Book Scanner
30:  EN | Jan                  | Crypto Stick
31:  EN | helgar               | Hacking Hearing Devices
32:  EN | Stefan               | FreeRainbowTables
33:  EN | Brodu                | - Interactive online presentations
34:  EN | Kost                 | OWASP favicon
35:  DE | Krennmair            | Apache + Slowloris = FAIL
38:  DE | Christoph Brüning    | Computerspiele im Unterricht (Slides)
39:  EN | Hemmert              | Very Handy!
41:  EN | gego                 | - free online text repository
..:  EN | Story                | The Social Web
..:  EN | Leenaars             | - Get money to make the internet better 
..:  EN | Upton                | Altruistic Economics
..:  EN | Aronson              | Web Archiving the Swedish Election Campaign 2010

2009-12-29 Day3

..:  EN | Pollock+Casbon       | Where does my money go?
25:  EN | Pareja               | Open RFID Tag
50:  EN | dev team             | schleuder (crypto mailing list manager)
..:  EN | Chemeris             | ClockTamer
..:  EN | Sylwester            | Chiptunes on Microcontrollers 
..:  EN | Deubeuliou           | hackable:1
42:  EN | Sammet               | WAFP (WebApplication Finger Printer)
..:  EN | Michael Steil        | libcpu binary translator
..:  EN | Ge0rG                | libhomebrew
..:  EN | Ge0rG                | YAXIM - OSS Jabber on Android
..:  EN | Hackable Devices     | Hackable:Devices
40:  EN | Achim                | Atari Coldfire Project (acp)
..:  EN | Valer                | - apply for funding 
..:  EN | Nativ                | It's only cheating if you get caught
27:  DE | Ott                  | Hacking Education
..:  DE | Korrupt              | Smoker Synchronisation
..:  DE | Thoddi               | Datenspuren - Datenwanderung
45:  DE | Malkor               | Chaoswerk Halle/Saale
..:  DE | flo_san              | Geeks in der Geschichte

2009-12-30 Day4

..:  EN | Matthias Live Hack   | Cracking Crypto USB Flash Drives
..:  EN | Anonymous/TeamTecom  | ??? (something with Deutsche Telekom AG and Hacking) 
..:  EN | Chemeris             | OpenBTS and emerging markets 
..:  DE | Schiermi             | TAN-Generatoren mit optischer Schnittstelle
..:  EN | Benjamin             | ??? (something with LaTeX ?)
47:  EN | Vincent              | Future of Hackers Meetings
44:  DE | Azaiz                | Robotersteuerung ueber Android
46:  DE | Dautermann           | Geschaeftsmodell Internetabzocke
..:  EN | Rahra                | GarliCat
..:  EN | Geraldine            | FAT LAB
37:  DE | Pablo                | unistreik+internet
..:  DE | Benjamin Kellermann  | fish shell
..:  EN | N.N.                 | Remuco (use your mobile phone as a remote)
49:  EN | Schlangemann         | Breaking "SecureIP" Verilog-2005 obfuscation
..:  EN | Jeff                 | Develop your own Formica swarm robots
..:  EN | Rene                 | MAPLAT
..:  EN | Lars Aronsson        | Database Protection?
..:  DE | Florian              | CSN.OR.AT Community Sense Net
..:  DE | Benjamin Kellermann  | fish shell
..:  DE | Benjamin Kellermann  | screenmessage
..:  EN | Rob                  | Student Robotics
..:  EN | Robert               |
..:  EN | Chantall             | sustainable ...
..:  EN | Rene                 | ???
..:  EN | Jeff                 | DIY Flexi PCB's /
..:  EN | Sai                  | north way clothes / Workshop at C04 on how to hack your mind (Meditation)

Thanks a lot to all speakers!  :-)

Missing in Action

36:  DE | Brachmann            | 3D Scanner
43:  DE | Wischnefski          | Hilfe für die Industrie
 ..:  EN | Neutrino             | Art Project

Regarding Open RFID Tag

Does anybody know where to find the author of the Open RFID Tag?

I am that guy. Contact me at "ramiropareja at t4f dot com", unless I debt you money. I that case... you can find me at /dev/null

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