21C3 Schedule Release 1.1.7

21st Chaos Communication Congress
Lectures and workshops

Picture of Major Malfunction Major Malfunction
Day 3
Location Saal 1
Start Time 18:00 h
Duration 01:00
ID 125
Type Lecture
Track Hacking
Language english

Old Skewl Hacking: Infra Red

MMIrDA (Major Malfunction's Infra Red Discovery Application)

This talk will cover methods for discovering the hidden capabilities of Infra-Red remote controls, as well as brute forcing single function controls such as garage door openers or car alarm systems. It will look at the 'why' as well as the 'how', and opens up some interesting possibilities for future research into other similar technologies such as RF car alarms etc.

Major Malfunction spends a lot of time travelling. Consequently he spends a lot of time in Hotels. Hotels have Pay-Per-View. Hotels have infra-red remote controlled TVs. And so, to while away the hours, MMIrDA was born...

Infra Red is all around us. Most of us will use an Infra Red controller on more or less a daily basis, to change the TV channel, or open a car or garage door, but how often have you thought about how it actually works? This talk will describe not only how to analyse the signals being sent by your remote, but also how to use that information to find hidden commands and reveal functions you didn't even know your systems had. You will learn how to brute force garage doors, car doors, hotel pay-per-view TV systems, take over LED signs, vending machines and even control alarm systems, using cheap or home made devices and free software.

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