28C3: Behind enemy lines (2011)

Crypto Talk at 28C3: Datamining for Hackers – Encrypted Traffic Mining, Day 1, 14:00, Saal 1


The first cryptography related talk at 28C3 is about data mining in encrypted data. One may assume, that encrypting your data with a good encryption scheme prevents other people from learning about it. However, this is not true, specially for network protocols, that often leak information, like who is communicating with who, and when how much data is transferred. An attacker can use these information to make assumptions about the content of the transmission.

From the abstract: Voice over IP (VoIP) has experienced a tremendous growth over the last few years and is now widely used among the …

Dial 7666 for upcoming 28c3 talks


Heads up everyone, voicebarf is up and running! Voicebarf provides you with the latest information about the 28c3 schedule. Even when the internet is down. Use your DECT or GSM compatible phone to dial the number 7666 (SOON), and voicebarf will tell you which talks are up next. You can even request a reminder, and voicebarf will call you back fifteen minutes before your favourite talk starts. Dial 8255 (TALK) to get the currently running talks. Dial TALK (8255) when a talk is just finished to rate that talk. Talk ratings’ importance for the content team can not be overestimated. The content …

Kids are welcome on the 28c3


Es ist eine tolle Idee seine Kinder auf den 28c3 mitzubringen. Nicht nur, dass sie kostenfreien Eintritt haben, wenn sie elf oder jünger sind. Sondern auch das Chaos macht Schule-Projekt bietet vier Stände an, die sich speziell um die Junghacker kümmern werden.

Ein Stand wird sich speziell um sichere Kommunikation in Computernetzwerken kümmern und für alle kniffligen Fragen um das Thema Antworten parat halten.

Die anderen Stände bieten Basteltrainings um dem Nachwuchs zu helfen, auf den Grund der technischen Spielereien zu gelangen: Von Miniroboter, über elektronischem Haustier, bis zur …

28C3 – Bring your r0ket


When packing for 28C3, don’t forget to bring your r0ket! (and a micro-USB cable!)

Among other things there will be a multiplayer tetris game on an LED wall you can play with your r0ket and new m0duls to boost your r0ket into new heights.

To access all new features of your r0ket have a look at http://r0ket.badge.events.ccc.de/init

The update contains an improved mesh network, l0dables for interactive installations and support for the next flame generation.

Good news for those who didn’t get one on camp – or want more: Team r0ket will be selling new, slightly improved r0kets for 30 Euros and RGB …

28C3 – Can’t Afford to Pay the Full Price?


Since we forgot to mention it in the first place: Yes, we do have a 28c3-friends request address for people who can’t afford to pay the full ticket price. We’ve added information to http://events.ccc.de/congress/2011/wiki/Tickets:

If you or someone you know can’t afford to pay the full price for a ticket, send a mail to 28c3-friends@cccv.de. Please tell us, why this person can’t pay the full price and why he or she should take part in 28C3 nevertheless. Usually we agree on some affordable price. But please keep in mind that tickets are already very cheap and that we can handle only a limited …

Mit der Bahn ab 89,- Euro zum 28c3


Die Deutsche Bahn für den Congress ein begrenztes Kontingent an verbilligten Fahrkarten zur Verfügung gestellt, welche von euch günstig erworben werden können. Der Preis ist dabei im Vergleich zum letzten Jahr sogar um 10 Euro gesunken.

Im Gegensatz zu letztem Jahr und zum Camp gibt es nicht nur zwei, sondern vier Fahrkartentypen: zuggebundene Fahrkarten (bei der Buchung muss sich für einen Zug entschieden werden) und zugungebundene Fahrkarten (Einsteigen, losfahren), das Ganze jeweils in der ersten oder zweiten Klasse, online und telefonisch buchbar.


    1. Klasse, zuggebunden: 89,00 Euro …

28C3 Tickets


Wir halten uns kurz.


  • Sonntag, 06. November, 22:00 Uhr MEZ (UTC+1) (½ aller Tickets)
  • Montag, 14. November, 16:00 Uhr MEZ (UTC+1) (¼ aller Tickets)
  • Dienstag, 29. November, 10:00 Uhr MEZ (UTC+1) (¼ aller Tickets)


Standard EUR 80,–
Mitglieder CCC e.V. EUR 50,–
Up-and-Coming Hackers EUR 25,– (geboren nach dem 26.12.1993)
Supporters EUR 140,-
Business EUR 280,- zzgl MwSt.



28C3: CFP for 28th Chaos Communication Congress


Call for Participation for 28th Chaos Communication Congress

27|28|29|30 December 2011, bcc, Berlin, Germany

The Event

The Chaos Communication Congress the annual four-day conference organized by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) in Berlin, Germany. First held in 1984, it has since established itself as “The European Hacker Conference” attracting a diverse audience of thousands of hackers, scientists, artists, and utopists from all around the world.


In general, lectures, workshops, and projects dealing with technology, ethics, science, security, art, philosophy, politics, and culture are …