Village:Social Dist0rtion Protocol

Description Social people, distorted interests. And the other way around.
Projects Planet A — The Tragedy of the CO₂mmons
Self-organized Sessions 2050: A Co2 Odissey, Distortion Social Party, Open Yoga Lesson, Planet A Handshaking Party - Popcorn and Berliner Luft available!, Planet A Networking Party. Bring your LinkedIn and enjoy some soothing lounge music!, Planet A embassy is open! Come and get your passport!, Unison
Related to village C-base, XHain hack+makespace
Tags berlin, climate action, soldering, sustainability, ableton, music, led
Registered on
Location for self-organized sessions Yes
Location 53.03032 N, 13.30705 E


Social Dist0rtion Protocol (formally: "Social Dist0rtion Protocol where the first o in Distortion is a zero.") is a group of people from different countries, technical backgrounds and interests but that all are at the same place on Thursdays: c-base. We dispute, create and break things together with anyone else who wants to join us. Main focuses: dapps, electronic music, space, psychedelics, AI (artificial intelligence and artificial ignorance), global warming, chaos and death.


- "Planet A — The Tragedy of the CO₂mmons" is a serious social game that is meant to educate players about the effects of climate change.