
Description Amateur Radio Operators of the CCC. We are those with the big antennas and who talk to the world without network infrastructure.
Members Dg1vs, Dlh, Doozer, Enno, Esenneddy, F1r3, Michaels, Pylon, Swaio, Tny, Yrrsinn
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions APRS, AREDN, Aktuelle Digimodes, Amateurfunk für Dummies, Aus- und Weiterbildung im Amateurfunk, Bandpläne, Cloudlog, Customizing Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Firmware, Draht, Blut, und schwarze Magie, Funkwellenausbreitung, HAMNET, New Packet Radio, Project novis - free & open amateur radio web services, Restauration antiker Autoradios, SDR-Stick als Spektrumskop
Tags antenna, chaoswelle, ham radio, tota, workshops, lectures
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Location for self-organized sessions Yes

Chaoswelle will provide several amateur radio shacks open for every (future) amateur radio operator at the Camp. In workshops we will show how this magic works. We like to communicate – join us or come for a visit and show us your radio projects!