
Description If you like singing, playing guitar or other instruments or just want to listen, you are very welcome.
Has website
Persons working on Hoechst
Self-organized sessions
Tags singing, guitar, music, songs, singerunde, pfadfinder, scouting, bündisch, Village:ZSH - Zelt Stadt Hessen, Jurte
Located at village Village:ZSH - Zelt Stadt Hessen
Other projects... ... further results

At Day 0 we started playing guitar in our chillout tent and people stopped and joined singing. So we came up with the idea to repeat this.


  • Popsongs
  • Büdisches Liedgut / Pfadfinderlieder


Let's collect some available songbooks here, that can be used.

  • Pfadiralala IV: [1]
  • Pfadiralala IVplus: [2]


As I (hoechst) am a scout / Pfadfinder, I would also be interested to meet other scouts / pfadfinder / bündische Menschen. Contact me, I am usually hanging around ZSH, at HackINT or via